Thursday, November 28, 2013

Being Clear About What You Want

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O I received an article the other day stating, clear purpose attracts men. 

"When you are 100% clear about what you want out of life, amazing things begin to happen. For example, good friends, success, quality men and happiness, etc 
Being laser beam clear about your life's goals, life's purpose and dreams and what your place is in this world is, will create magic to transform your dreams into reality". 

" when you are not clear on what you want, you become the supporting character in someone else's life" your life vision is about you, your goals and your dreams. Clarity about who you are and what you want attracts the type of men you are looking for. And when you are crystal clear about how you envision your relationship to be, it's like you send out a magical invitation for the perfect man to join your life" awwww , there's beauty in the law of attraction. 

Be crispy clear about your desires and be honest with yourself. There is nothing wrong with wanting it all. When I was in my early 20's , I use to allow men to talk me out of my standards, but now that I'm 31, please. Be clear on what you want, to the T... And do not be ashamed to say so, because that's being unclear and it's dishonoring what you deserve. 

What is it that you want? What is it that you deserve? Remember, be clear! 
You will never get what you want, as long as you are not clear on your hearts desires. Just look at the type of men you attract, to better prove this point. If you are not attracting the type of men of your hearts desires, think quietly on the fact that, perhaps you are sending unclear visions into the universe. You get what you send out, rather you choose to believe it or not! So meditate on what you want and do not let time ween you away. Be patient! 

Mr. Goody Two Shoes

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Ever met this guy? 


He's smart, educated , smooth, says all the right stuff , maybe a little narcissistic, has the gift of gab, and most of all, he seems too good to be true. He may even go to church. 


He may wear glasses, wear suits, dress conservatively, walk and act like a nerd, he may even be a poindexture or what would be considered a good guy. He may also be extremely mannerable. 

Where he can be found: 

School campuses for sure, work, Greek functions , documentaries, plays, at nerd movies , blockbuster, church, bookstores, online game websites, porn sites, eharmony, chat rooms of all sorts, meetup, etc 

What my point is?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

So Do you want to get MARRIED?

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O If you want to get married, read this article.  let's analyze. 

What kind of men are you attracting now?

What kind of crap are you putting up with? 

Are you happy?

Does this guy treat you like a princess? 

Are you living your love life in a way that mocks what the core values of what you would like to have in the long term? 

If you want to get married and have children some day, 1st let's try and leave douche bags where they belong. For thou cannot throw what is sacred to swine & that's biblical. Always remember that, where there is no vision, the people will perish. You can and will never have a true life filled with love and happiness with a guy who's a time waster to begin with. A man who has long term intentions will act and treat you in a manner that suggests that. You will feel his love inside and out. It won't just be pillow talk. Just as you can feel the love that a man has for another woman; we'll it should be the same with a man that loves you. Everyone will know that he loves you , including you. Why do we as women put ourselves through such bullshit for nickels and dimes? Why do we secretly believe that Mr. Nobody will give us diamonds and pearls? If he has small change, he can't afford a barrel. We have to be more logical and smart about our love choices, period. 

Let's get this straight, love does not hurt and it does not break your spirit. Love is easy and breezy. For God is love! Relationships may not be all that easy but loving someone is, you just do. It's not science. 

If you want real love, marriage or even babies one day, stop, think fast!! Ween the time wasters out now. If you are 25 and up, you should be dating emotionally available men & marriage material men and you should definitely be in a marriage ready relationship. Remember men can make babies all their life,  where as, many women may have babies at a late age but after 40 is pushing it. We can't not bare children our entire lives like men. You have to think smart. Your best breeding years will be early on. Do not waste time. In the words of Bruce Lee, " if you enjoy life, don't waste time, because life is made up of time". That's the best advice anyone could give! If you hate life, waste time, for life is made up of time. 

Men don't waste time, for that reason you will see yourself in a long relationship only for it to end and he end up marry someone shortly afterwards. Men don't waste time, but they're ok with wasting yours. Do what you want with your time, but Do not allow anyone to waste your precious time, for time is of the essence. If you want true happiness, get some real friends, who will love and support you and have your back. Learn to ween out time wasters in males and do not settle for crumbs, men nor relationships that won't get you any closer to the alter. 

Do not be jealous of others who have found love, celebrate them, for one day you may be them and someone may envy you. 
Do not be worrisome over a man who isn't ready for Iove or one who is emotionally unavailable. Why you ask? Because that's like wasting time. Forget about him and keep it pushing, you have a love one to catch and he ain't it. 

As stated on KPFK radio, " are you living your life in a way that mocks your values? Well are you? 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

For Christmas

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello brothers and sisters, 

I usually don't talk about Christmas and holidays in Scorpio season, no nu uh! But here's why I will today.

As the holidays slowly approach, we begin to reflect on what we have and what we don't have. During holidays we show thankfulness for what we are blessed to have. In other cases, we may show disappointment & be reminded by what we don't have and be reminded of those we miss. It's the norm of what the holidays bring out of you. Do not fret, be strong! Don't think of Mr. Hurtful this season, because if her was worthy of your time, he would be by your side anyway. 

If you are single these holidays and don't want to be, I understand, for I am single too. On the brighter side of things, I am not alone. I am blessed and the bible teaches us that, God will never leave us nor forsake us, therefore, you are never alone, even at your most lonely period. I know for some of us who are going through breakups, disappointment , heartache, grief and or a range of other things find the holidays to be bitter sweet, aka, the most happiest and depressive period of the year. I get that and I understand you. My heart goes out to you; I've been there. I know how hurtful it feels. 

I am here, however, to through, a curve ball, if you will. Instead of focusing on our problems and heartaches this holiday season, I am asking you to do something different. Let's pray for someone else's happiness. If I pray for you and you pray for me, we'll all be one happy family. Pray for world peace and for people who are suffering, to be happy this holiday season. Be thankful, for someone always has it worst than you. Join me in praying for someone else's happiness this holiday season. 

Thank You 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Woman That Has It All

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello,

A woman that has it all, ever heard of her? She's the one that runs the Fortune 500 companies. She's pretty, elegant, independent, opinionated, educated and successful. She's a queen, a Goddess and Doesn't she sound ideal? Full package, huh?

Yes, we'll unfortunately, just because you have it all does not mean that any man can handle it all. In fact, just because you have good traits doesn't mean a man will exactly want that. Some men actually like  weak women. In the words of a long lost friend, " unrighteous men marry unrighteous women". Some men like unaccomplished women, especially the insecure men who need an ego boast. Some men like when you are on the hush hush! Some men are threatened by women who are educated. Some men don't like independent, strong women. Men are attracted to whatever is good, however, that doesn't mean that they always end up with a good woman. Most men like to be in power and if he is insecure he might look at your good traits as his downfall. Men know something we dont. They know that if they aren't a good man, not to seek after a good woman.

Only a good man wants a good woman. Like attracts like. 

Yes, be proud of your accomplishments , and especially wear your good traits on your sleeve, but before you flaunt your goodness to another, be sure that the man you sale it to can handle it. 

You must get a man that wants a good woman. One that feels he deserves you and knows that you deserve him. 

And forget about selling yourself to the guy that could care less.

The Voodoo

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OAs you all should know Voodoo/ witchcraft is of the devil, period! Anybody performing it should be rebuked. I don't do anything without the presence nor the permission of God. Although women are usually classified as doing withcraft, love spells and etc, men can also do the same. I had a couple of crazy exes try it on me. 

My point is, be weary of that stuff. For there is nothing wrong with spiritual rituals, as long as it is aligned with God and is confirmed by God. Whatever does not feel right is not right. Women,  have some self esteem! Don't feel so desperate that you discount that love is of God. Have some faith! 

The next edition of this blog will discuss men who can and have also performed witchcraft love spells. 

Have you ever felt love from a man that was so Svengali, you couldn't figure it out?

Definition. Svengali: A person who has a stronghold over a person. A person who manipulates, brainwashes and has control over someone. 

When you're in a situation that you just can't figure out. I mean, he's crazy, ugly, mean, disrespectful, disloyal, abusive, not your type and especially not your equally yoked, yet you can't leave him alone; red flag. If this is so, you bets check yourself because you may be under a love spell. 

Love is God. Love is patient, love is easy, love is not boastful, love is not hurtful and love is not impatient & love never fails. 

If you are in a questioning situation, get to praying right now. Release all strongholds, rebuke and reverse all spells , hexes and curses today. Let your intuition be your guide. If you have been subjected to doing withcraft on a man, repent today , stop that and remove that curse. Let a person love you freely. Don't be unGodly, desperate nor insecure. 

Until Next time 

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Scorpio Bday

I want to take this time, the only day I have in a year where I think only of myself. I'd like to give myself a Shout out!!

Happy Birthday to me!

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O