Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Correct vs Incorrect Behavior

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Correct Behavior vs Incorrect Behavior. 

   As I move forward with the knowledge God is giving me, I realize more and more. A mans behavior is either correct or incorrect. 

I'll start with the bad and end with the good! 

- If a man is not of God, that is not correct behavior. Let him get corrected

-When a man calls after 10pm and he's not your man, that's incorrect behavior 

-When a man calls you names or teases you, that's also incorrect behavior 

- When a man blows hot and cold, that's incorrect behavior 

- If a man buys you nothing for your birthday, that's incorrect behavior. & he must go 

- If a man does not take you seriously for the holidays nor does he take you seriously, as in being apart of his life, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man is causing stress in your life, to any extent, that's incorrect behavior.

- If a man is negative , get rid of him because that too is, incorrect behavior. 

- If a man is passing his anxiety and stressful language off as passion, when in fact , it is intensity and stress, that's also incorrect behavior! 

- If a man is full of shit , blows you off, changes dates, cancels on you , forgets about you, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man Just plain out gets on your nerve, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man puts his hands on you and disrespects you, that's also incorrect behavior. 

-  If a man was at first treating you delightful and then suddenly stopped and  his true colors now show, that is incorrect behavior

- A guy who is a prick, asshole, meanie, aggressor, has a funky attitude , disses you , is not a gentleman, not a winer nor a diner , is a man with incorrect behavior. 

- A man that can't handle you = incorrect 

- A man who acts like a b****

Correct Behavior is As Follows, 

- A man of God! 

- A man who respects you

- A man who loves and adores you

- A man who will never stop loving you 

- A man that Will never cheat! 

-  A gentleman 

- A man that only sees me 

- A man who has pure eyes for you 

- A man who has your back 

- A man that will always love you the same , even more! 

- A man that cares about your soul 

Follow me on twitter @Relationships1O

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