Thursday, October 31, 2013


Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Desensitize yourself from any hurt that you could ever receive from a man. 

Desensitization is something that a person does to make themselves insensitive and or non reactive to something that is harmful. 

Think of the worst things that could happen in a relationship. I'm talking the things that make you really sad. Try and role play those things in your head, as if those things are happening to you. Once you do this, you can't be touched and less than likely, those things will happen to you, why you ask? Because it won't bother you enough to resist it and what you resist persist. You attract what you fear. This will help you not attract those things into your life, once you desensitize yourself from those things that eat you up. 

Try it! Raise your esteem today, instead of walking in fear of those things that can break your spirit! Desensitization is a way of taking your power back and looking those harmful things in the face and saying , NO! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dear Jacob :

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Reflecting on the text that my bishop spoke on at Sunday service. Jacob, the back stabber was mentioned.

Jacob was one of the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, but at times he was also a schemer, liar, and manipulator.

Does this man sound familiar? 

Jacob is the man who is a liar and deceiver. He tells you want you want to hear. He comes to destroy & never to build. He is cunning, charismatic and convincer. No matter how sweet he comes off, you end up feeling effed in the end!

The Jacob is also the manipulator, aka, the wolf dressed in sheep clothing. He lies, cheats, schemes, & tries to get over on you. He doesn't care about you! He only looks out for his own best interest. 

Do you know Jacob? If so it's time to raise your vibration! Before Jacob was turned into the great, he was all of those bad things. Get rid of the Jacobs and get yourself a Kyle. (New & improved Jacob)

A Kyle is God sent & he comes into your life to lift you up! Ηε wants to love you. He cares about your feelings. Kyle brings out the best in us all! He's dreamy, handsome and only has eyes for you. 
Kiss Jacob goodbye & honor your worth and get a Kyle. 

I heard a spiritual advisor on the radio station ask, are we living our lives in a way that, mocks our value? 

I ask you the same. Are you living your romantic love life in a way that mocks your value? If so, stop that? 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Make me feel like non other

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O I don't need a man that makes me feel bad or doesn't treat me like the special spirit that I am. I also don't need a man that speaks about his ex, what he and his ex had and what he did for her , blah , blah , blah! That's their love story. Boring zzzzzzz What I'm in process of creating right now is, my very own west side love story. I don't need noones barrowed , run Down scripts. Got my own self as the star actress for my movie. I got my own co actors & I already have background actors. I have my scene , my props , stages , lighting , and cameras, plus scripts. I got this! What I don't need is a hammy down. No thanks , got my own story!

Men who talk about their exes and what they think they had with them discusses me. & shame on you!!  That type of behavior will never unlock the key to my love. Have some respect for your present , because your present is a gift. I never speak on my exes because I have respect for my present situation. Plus, when I'm over it, I'm over it! Take my advice men, move on>>>. What men need to understand is that, they contribute a great deal to women and their self esteem issues. To my male followers out there: You want to know how to stop a woman from complaining, crying , yelling, nagging and feeling sad?  effing treat her like the one and only. Treat her like a queen! Don't cheat on her, mistreat her, disrespect her, ignore her ,down play her, not make her feel like a diamond and expect a decent woman! Stop it with the non sense! Treat a woman right or be without a woman. It's your choice.  Men want respect, love, to feel smart and to feel like a man. There is no way a man can feel such things, if he brings about the wrong emotional state in a way , that leads to him loosing respect from her, & his manhood. It takes two to bring about the right emotions , in order to elicit the love a woman needs and the love a man needs. 

You want to impress me? You want to get and keep my attention, here's an idea: 

Love me, stupido
Be a masculine man
Care about me. - Don't look for a handout , have something to offer me
Caress my mind, make love to it 
Respect who you're in front of 
Appreciate me
Adore my special 
Never ever cheat! 
Most of all, create this love story with me
Never speak of an ex to me! 
You must 1st give to me what you've never given another woman!

Get to work buddy. 
Good movies are classics that last forever in a day and they take years to make. & I'm a whole lot of woman! 👠💋

The 4th Law

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O In the book, 48 Laws of Power , written by Robert Greene, the 4th law is , " SAY LESS" 

"Never start moving your lips before the subordinates do. The longer you keep quiet , the faster your opponent will speak and reveal their own intentions". 

" if the sovereign is not mysterious, the minister will find opportunity to take and take". = message! 

Be watchful & remember to never speak to a man until first , he speaks. 

& less is more, with men

Cognitive Thinking (How to Re-wire Your Brain)

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O

I listened to a great episode today on KPFK radio. Shout outs to Pacifica radio!! If you are ever seeking deep rooted, psychological answers, KPFK has a host of psychologists and spiritual teachers, that appear on the show almost daily. Today's episode was about changing your brain chemistry, so that you can get the life you deserve. The author stated that, your brain adapts to whatever feeling you tell it to have. For example, If I decide I want to feel good, happy, sad, mad, depressed, doubtful ,etc , the signals will be sent to my brain and my brainwaves will adapt to that which I tell it. It was said that, we tell our brains what to do. He also said that our actions make up 90% of our unconscious mind, while 10% of our actions are made up by our conscious mind. Both entities are powerful because , the 10% of your brain directs the 90% , while the 90% controls your behavior. It was said that our conscious mind tells our unconscious mind how to influence our thinking and behavior. 

Tell your mind what you want it to do & your brain has to respond to the brainwaves that have been programmed. 

In addition to that, it was stated that, the right ear controls the left side of the hemisphere, which is connected to language , processing, analyzing and logical thinking. And the left ear controls the right side of the hemisphere. The right side of the brain is connected to creativity and emotional expression , thoughtfulness, and intuition. The frontal lobe , also known as the crown & the third eye is the part of a person that puts their all into receiving messages. It is said that if you really want to be heard, switch ears! When talking to a man or needing to get your points across, talk in the persons left ear. It is best that people face you head on and or listen with their left ear, to recieve messages. Begin observing peoples emotional responses when talking to you. Notice what their response is when facing you and or listening to you from the left or right side. 

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres–left and right. Scientists continue to explore how some cognitive functions tend to be dominated by one side or the other; that is, how they are lateralized.

Most people prefer to be addressed in their right ears in everyday settings and are more likely to do a favor when the request is received in their right ears rather than their left ones, new research suggests.

It is also said that you have the exact life you designed, therefore this works, just change the source and dynamic. Tell your brain what you want it to do. Try to focus more on ears, don't forget to pray and get the life you deserve. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Correct vs Incorrect Behavior

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Correct Behavior vs Incorrect Behavior. 

   As I move forward with the knowledge God is giving me, I realize more and more. A mans behavior is either correct or incorrect. 

I'll start with the bad and end with the good! 

- If a man is not of God, that is not correct behavior. Let him get corrected

-When a man calls after 10pm and he's not your man, that's incorrect behavior 

-When a man calls you names or teases you, that's also incorrect behavior 

- When a man blows hot and cold, that's incorrect behavior 

- If a man buys you nothing for your birthday, that's incorrect behavior. & he must go 

- If a man does not take you seriously for the holidays nor does he take you seriously, as in being apart of his life, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man is causing stress in your life, to any extent, that's incorrect behavior.

- If a man is negative , get rid of him because that too is, incorrect behavior. 

- If a man is passing his anxiety and stressful language off as passion, when in fact , it is intensity and stress, that's also incorrect behavior! 

- If a man is full of shit , blows you off, changes dates, cancels on you , forgets about you, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man Just plain out gets on your nerve, that's incorrect behavior. 

- If a man puts his hands on you and disrespects you, that's also incorrect behavior. 

-  If a man was at first treating you delightful and then suddenly stopped and  his true colors now show, that is incorrect behavior

- A guy who is a prick, asshole, meanie, aggressor, has a funky attitude , disses you , is not a gentleman, not a winer nor a diner , is a man with incorrect behavior. 

- A man that can't handle you = incorrect 

- A man who acts like a b****

Correct Behavior is As Follows, 

- A man of God! 

- A man who respects you

- A man who loves and adores you

- A man who will never stop loving you 

- A man that Will never cheat! 

-  A gentleman 

- A man that only sees me 

- A man who has pure eyes for you 

- A man who has your back 

- A man that will always love you the same , even more! 

- A man that cares about your soul 

Follow me on twitter @Relationships1O

When He Blows Hot & Cold

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello, 

   Good afternoon! 

Today I want to discuss a man blowing hot and cold. He blows hot and he blows cold. Is that the way to go? No , why? Because things in life consistently travel in one direction, in its own position, one at a time. When a shift occurs, it flows in a new direction. A man blowing hot and cold is contradictory. You either want to be hot or cold. 

The human body temprature should be about 98.4, which is classified as normal body temperature. Anything over, for example, 100.2 is considered too high and definitely abnormal, and would be considered a fever. Anything too low , for example, let's say 32.4 is abnormal. My body temperature is in the normal range of functioning. In fact, my body temprature remains stable. Therefore, a man liking you, wanting you , and loving you can remain consistent as well. My body temprature does not blow hot and cold.  Therefore why would I have a relationship that contradicts my mind body & soul! 

Do not allow a man to contradict you. Do not allow a man to disrespect you. You are not a puppet nor an object! 

Follow me @Relationships1O

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Say Nothing!

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O One thing I know about men is, they are proficient and there is a method to their madness. They are brilliant , brilliant , brilliant. Why not mimic some of their efforts. 

For example, women are way too talkative and expressive about everything. Just let it be. 

You can find out so much about how you feel , when you say nothing. Be silent , be easy and let it flow, instead of resisting everything. Resistance is a form of non acceptance. When you accept, you don't resist and you don't deny. Men resist nothing. They don't tell you to change and they don't try and change you. Men accept you as you are and deal with you as you are. They learn early on if they can and will put up with you. 

Learn to be quiet and listen to your feelings and emotions. Be a mystery. Quiet your mind and let your spirit reveal to yourself. When I was a quiet person once a pon a time, I completely accepted others for who they were. I had no stress. I'm in aww of that. I was very in tuned with what I would put up with.  Silence is showing respect for your spirit, thoughts, feelings and ideas. Not everything is response worthy. 
Notice how men never complain nor say much about what they're feeling. They don't wear their hearts on their sleeves whatsoever. 

I'm not saying deal with a man's mess. What I'm saying is, learn to receive and discet what a man throws at you by silencing yourself. Once you know, act accordingly. 

So if he acts right, allow yourself to feel right , but if he does wrong, allow yourself to fall out of like or love with him.
Feel what he is! Just act accordingly.