Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Woman Who Made 300 Sandwiches To Earn Engagement Ring

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OHave you heard of this woman? This pretty girl who took on a challenge that her boyfriend gave her of making 300 sandwiches, in order to earn an engagement ring. Now if you have read my previous blog entries, you should know what I'm thinking. 

What the hell!! Sistah are you that insecure that you need to prove to a man that you can make 300 sandwiches, in order to prove your worth for a wedding ring? You've got to be kidding me. What makes this guy so special? Would you even do this for a brotha? Please. He should be making you the sandwiches and gourmet meals. Isn't he the chief? Let him prove his self to you? Her man even made a comment in an article that, we as women  spend so much time reading articles on how to keep a man , when all we have to do is, do something nice like, make a sandwich for him. Pahaaaa lol pleaseeeee. First of all women, he does have a point. There are so many how to articles directing  women for what to do, to get and keep a man and there shouldn't be. A woman is a prize to a man and she must know this. Stop trying to pursue a man and let him make 300 sandwiches to earn your love. Men are now in a position to sit back , collect our confidence and feel like the prize , while women become aggressors in order to win a mans affection but it is not the nature of a woman to do so. Allow nature to take its course, please. Let the man court and pursue you. 

In every animal kingdom, this basic knowledge is innate. 

Men are special, yes! And I love them but if we don't start honoring our crowns, and stop treating them, as if they are the golden prize, when they want and need us, can't live without us and yearn for what is between our legs, we will never embrace our feminine power!

Follow me @Relationships1O

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Be No- Non Sense

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1OBe no non-sense with these dudes at all times. Men are supcetiable for regressing  back into their toddler days, so do not give him an outlet to be a child. Influence him towards manhood by choosing not to react to any of his foolishness. Do not respond nor react to any of his bullshit, ever!! With men, you must constantly monitor your thoughts and feelings, always. I'm not saying be a basket case, all I'm saying is, know thyself. Know what floats your boat. Always know how you feel with a man because either he's trying to make you feel good or bad! 

Know if he's trying to make you feel good or bad at all times. Be no non sense with these dudes. One thing I notice about dudes is, they are sensitive to their feelings at all times! If he acts up, cut Him loose immediately. I know it sounds harsh but in my 30 years,I've learned that, men don't change if , rarely. You can give them chance after chance all you want but the real him lies inside and either you want people to be ingenuine or real. You can't change anyone, especially not a man, so you mine as well accept that. Men understand this very well. Men learn quick! They are very judgmental and weary of whom they let close to their heart. Men are only in a woman's life because she makes him feel good or she's giving him what he wants. They don't care about anything else and nor should you. Get your needs met for a change and dismiss a fool, who's cutting up and misbehaving. 

Be no none sense at all times and in fact, be that way with all people. 

Follow me @Relationships1O

Does he like you or love you?

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Like! What a precious word. We grew up with this word. It's the first term you used to describe your first crush in elementary " I like you" , "Do you like me, (yes) or (no)? Remember those cutsie letters we wrote in school to one another. Like was such a powerful word. In fact, being liked or disliked is something you depended on in your childhood. Now, as an adult , we still hear the words, "I like you" from men. It's something that has carried over from childhood in so many cases, however, we're grown now! Super grown! A woman should not aim to hear words like, "I like you" and a grown man still using such a phrase should grown up and slap himself. We are women ANd as a woman we deserve to hear more romantic language from a man because , "like"doesn't get you to the alter nor close to his heart. "Like" is for the birds. Real men have "feelings". At this day and age, a man, who has the hots for you should be able to communicate that with words like, "attraction, feelings, in love, enchanted, smitten, etc". Using words, such as, "like" is, not only juvenile but it communicates a hidden message of how surfaced the relationship is, how far it will go and how mature he is. You want a man that can look you deep into your eyes and say, "I love you"! " I have feelings for you"! " I am attracted to you" , not some cheesy , " I like you a lot" line. 
In the words of a relationship therapist, that I met, " we want to get past the like stages and dating stages of a relationship and move into commitment and I love you's! 

Get over a man who just "likes" you or "likes you a lot" and move towards a mature man that has feelings and deep seething attraction for you. One who can't live without you. One who comes into your life to heal you. One who is committal to you. 

Follow me @ Relationships1O

Does He Still Have It?

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Many men just want to see if they still have it. They may call you out of the blue and try to rekindle things with you, to end up in the same predictament that they left off at, and all for what? Just to see if they still have it. Who has time for that? The keys to knowing if a man is using for an ego boast is, his behavior. A man that has messed up in the past, who is trying to re-enter your life, yet is not changing his behavior, which will ultimately lead him back to where he left off previously is , definitely a man just testing to see if he still has it. A man who claims to like you, yet throws scraps your way and nothing intimate nor romantic at all is, testing to see if he still has it. A man texting , calling or just plain out trying to hit is, a man testing to see if he still has it! A man sending mix messages, i.e., push/pull or avoidant/ approach, aka , blowing hot N cold is a man testing to see if he still got it! A man doing nothing for you is a man who wants to know if he still has it. Don't let this punk man use you. Let him test his muscles on some other bimbo, just not you! If he didn't get it right the first time , chances are , he won't get it right next time around and usually when a man comes back into your life, to only continue his bad behavior, that ultimately lead to his dismissal in the first place he is A) a time waster and B) testing to see if he still has it! 

Teach him a lesson 

Follow me @ Relationships 1O

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hills , Heals or heels

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O This blog entry is to reassure you that, we as women should no longer take the scraps men throw us. If a man comes into your life, he must come correct, period!  Meaning that, he must be God sent, committal, intellectual, ready to love, and be on point and that's a 1st priority. If a man comes into your life for all the wrong reasons, then he's coming into your life, to waste your time only. In my opinion, a man either comes into your life to heal you or hurt you. Either he heals the past or adds to the hurt. So lets get this straight. Is it Heals, Hills, or Heels?

If a man wants to be in your life and he is not head over hills for you ,then he can hit the hills and see the bottom of your heels as you walk away! I hope they're red bottoms too, lol 

With a man, if it's not a head over hills and be healed thing, he needs to just hit the hills! 

Heals, Hills or Heels? You choose. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

If You Don't Have Him

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Know that , God has given you everything. You have everything you need. Whatsoever you need, your father in heaven will give it to you. You have whatever you need , so If you don't have him , you obviously don't need him. If she can steal him and or he can leave, he was never yours and if you don't have him in your life , you don't need him! ;)

The Main Ingredient

Hello, Male Decoded has moved and changed locations. Please refer to my new website at My new blog location will offer more services to my readers. I will no longer write on this site, so please visit new blog site. Follow me @Relationships 1O Hello Friend, I know you miss me and I miss you too. Muah

Today's topic is , main ingredients. With relationships , I am realizing for myself that relationships should consist of main ingredients. I know we all have standards and so do I, which I expect to be met. I'm all about women getting what they want but hey! On the other hand, it's easy to let some things go, if the main ingredients are being met. For instance, you cannot make a cake without , main ingredients; flour, or eggs, but you can make one without the extra toppings that are sometimes added in the cake mix, such as, nuts, pineapple, Carmel, etc all that matters in a relationship is, the main ingredients. Does he have them or is he lacking?

If a man is everything I need him to be, I can personally do without the other foolishness , if I had to. As long as he has what it takes , we can work out the rest ;)

Trust God. Put God first